Wednesday 13 June 2012

My birthday thanks!

This, ladies and gentlemen, will be a very cheesy blog post. If you don't do cheesy, then please exit now. If you're at all interested, then I suggest you keep reading. This post is about me. No philosophy here, just me, myself, and I.
If you know me personally, then you know that today is my birthday. I turned 17 today. Although I'm now a year older, I don't feel older at all. Honestly, I think that I'm only physically 17. I have a body of a 17 year old, but the personality of an adult. In this last year, where apparently I've only aged one year, I feel as though I'm five years older. In this last year, I've learned how to cope with grief, chaos, disappointment, brutal honesty, anger, but also happiness. Although it seems that life slapped me in the face with "bump" after "bump", I am convinced that I not only passed but exceeded. Life, I kicked your ass. With all of the things you tested me with, I strolled through it like it was mist. I ruled you. Okay, I'm getting a little carried away, but today I actually realized how old I feel. I feel as though I'm 25 years old. Sometimes I feel like I have dealt with more than a 25 year old has. Okay, maybe I won't take it that far, but I've definitely dealt with more than an average 17 year old has. I'm not complaining, or pitying myself right now. At all. I'm actually patting myself on the back. I ran through a forest of thorns to come out unscathed. How many people can say they've done that? I'm only left with scars that proves how strong I was. I survived the fight. I won. I'm ready for more to come at me. I have my shield up, and my sword drawn. Come at me bro! ;)
Okay, I'm done with my little pat on the back. Now, I want to thank everyone in my life who helped me. By wiping away the tears, patting me on the back, or slapping me across the face to help me realize what I'm doing. I almost failed... Multiple times, I almost let myself fall, but it's because of you guys that I'm still standing strong. Cheers to you, my family and friends.
Tony Marderosian, my brother- I don't know what I would do without you. With brutal honesty, you've made me realize what type of person I have the potential to be. We relate to each other the most. I love you to death, and I'm so proud of you. For everything you've done. I strive to be as strong as you are. Tony, you've always been my hero. Since I was a little girl.
Daniela Cheney, my mother- I honestly don't even know what to write. You carried me for 9 months, and have mothered me for 17 years now. You've never failed to hug me when everything's chaos around me, and you've never failed to encourage me to pursue my dreams. Without you, I would be nothing. I'm sorry I don't thank you enough, but I hope that this makes up for that. I love you with all of my heart, and I"m so proud that you are going to get a new job. You'll be an amazing hospital administrator. The perfect boss. I love you dearly.
Phil Cheney, my step father- You never fail to make me smile. I know there's been rough times, but I am so happy that we've all been able to pull it together. I'm so thankful that you introduced us to Tualatin, and have welcomed us into your home. I love you dearly.
Elly Tanase, my cousin- My god, what would I do without you? Honestly though. I feel like without you, I would be a totally different person. You and I, are seriously two pees in a pod. You've always been there to give me wonderful advice, and to help me when the going got tough. Thank you, and I love you darling.
Yarden Shnayder, my best friend- You, my friend, are amazing! You are the first person I met when I moved to Tualatin, and you still continue to be so welcoming. Even after three years, you still show me things in Tualatin I had no idea were there. I feel like we educate each other. With you, I am constantly laughing and smiling. I never want you to change. You're so weird and unique, I love it. I am so lucky to have you as a best friend. Not only are you an amazing artist, but the best friend. How awesome is that?! I love you dearly.
Gracey Howard, my best friend- I know we've only recently become close, but I honestly don't know how I ever survived high school without you. We can relate on every topic, and I love how we know what each other is thinking. All the time! You are an amazing listener, and advice giver. Stay just how you are girl! Never feel like you have to change for everyone. Thank you so much for being there for me. Love you darling!
Tiffany Brown, my best friend- Oh my, I could go on forever. Just like the birthday card you gave me, I could seriously write a book about our friendship. All I can say is that I am so lucky to have a best friend that has been there for close to 10 years now. I have never met anyone like you. I just want you to know that I will always be there for you, and I will always be proud of all your accomplishments. I'm so happy that you're happy, and have found a way to cope with all the hard things in life. I love you dearly my friend.
Maddie Plucar, my best friend- My gemini twin, what would I do without you? I've learned so much about myself in the time we've been friends. I have never connected so well with another person before I met you! I love the way I can go to you for anything, and I love the way we are constantly laughing when we're together. I know your birthday is tomorrow, so a special shout out to you. I love you dearly!
Alyssa Walters, my best friend- You have no idea how much I miss you! Ever since you moved to Texas, I've been feeling slightly lost. I'm so happy that you've constructed a whole new happy life down there in the South, and I am so excited to see you soon. I am looking forward to our long talks and adventures. I've gotten to know myself so much ever since we've become friends. You complete me, my dear. I love you, and I don't know what I would do without you and our memories!
Karen Lee, my best friend- First things first, I just want you to know that you give the best advice. It seems like you are always right! Your happiness is contagious, and I love that about you! I am so lucky to have you as a best friend, and I never want you to change! I honestly don't think I've seen you sad. I hope this isn't because you cover it up. Just know that you can always be honest with me, just as I am honest with you. I love you so much!
Derek Vansise- My oh my, would I be a different person without you! You've helped me recognize my faults in order to grow, and for this I thank you. I love how we can share our philosophy, and how we can relate so well. Thank you for always being there for me, and my family as well. You are golden, my friend. I love you dearly!

Wow, that seriously made me tear up. Trying to thank you all in a few short sentences is close to impossible. I just want all of you to know that I am so grateful to have you all in my life. Without you, I would not be Gabriella Meline Marderosian. Not only do I thank you, but I love you. I hope that I am there for you guys as much as you are there for me. Once again, thank you. I love you all!