Friday 27 July 2012


Are you aware of how hard it is to talk to someone who doesn't know an ounce of your native language? Or, if you don't know an ounce of their native language. Well, all I can say is that the words that come out of your mouth start to mean nothing! Now, you have to utilize your body movements in order to explain what would so easily be understood if you only knew eachothers language. Maybe you can attempt common hand signals to try to explain what you're trying to say, but either way what's important is that what words come out of your mouth literally mean nothing. They just become sounds that were once blended together.
So, after struggling with the challenge of speaking to another person without really speaking, start to think about things you can't really explain, even with a voice. Sometimes even when we try to explain the way we feel or think to someone, the same frustration that comes with not knowing a common language suddenly returns. Your hands start tingling and moving with the sounds of your voice, but really nothing is understood. You're trying so hard to explain why you are who you are, but everyone just gives you a blank face that only irritates you. Now you've begun to try harder. You're head is throbbing with ideas of how to translate what you feel is important, but keep in mind this person speaks your language! You're trying to yell, change your tone of voice, but only sounds come out. That other person, doesn't care. You're now isolated. Misunderstood. Now what do you do?
Walk away and enjoy your isolation. Were you shunned out of the society that has been created because you simply can't agree with their silent ways? That's fine. Be proud of it. Shout it at to the world, even though really they can't hear you. They're stuck in their small world of lines and squares. But you sir, you live in circles and ovals. Nothing is simple in your world. You are challenged with the thought of a world of isolation. But just enjoy it. Enjoy the fact that you can ignore what the other people say, because they don't talk. Yes, I know. It's crazy since you're the same species. You all have the ability to talk, yell, scream, even whisper. But, you're the only one who does. So don't save your voice for a time when you can actuallly talk to someone, because no one knows when that day will come.

Monday 23 July 2012

Soul food right here

Why, hello there! Tonight, my mood soars like that of a butterfly! And how can I confirm this? Well, I just compared myself to a butterfly, and did not gag due to the tackiness. This, my friends, is a sign that I am not only happy with my life, but I am incredibly balanced.
Oh, I know what you're thinking... "You're seriously going to write about the importance of a balanced life again?!" Woah! Calm yourselves. Tonight, I'm actually going to write about... Drumroll please...
The soul!
Oh my, I could go on forever about what our soul is, but honestly, everyone has their own view of what exactly it is. Stephenie Meyer, who wrote The Host viewed it as a silver slime looking thing that was removed from the neck and could be transferred into different host bodies. Although I totally love that book, I disagree. I don't think of it as a phyical being. I compare the soul to the wind. It's obviously there because you can feel it, but it's not something that you can see or grasp. It's almost like a concept. But, my view also runs parallel to Stephenie Meyer's when her view of the soul is what happens after it is transferred to a different host body. That soul, or who that person truly is simply placed into a new body. They can then control that body, and do with it as it pleases. Almost like reincarnation. Except in her novel, it's not a natural process like reincarnation is known to be. It's humans and doctors phsically moving that physical entity into a host body.
Okay, I'm getting carried away. Before I tell you everything that happens in that book, I would love to get back on track. So basically what I was trying to get across is that the soul can not be identified. It can't be confirmed, grasped, or handled. Well, in my opinion. Because of this, it drives humans crazy because we can't control it! The soul is where our feelings and emotions originate from. But, we can't control those! And doesn't that drive you crazy?! I know it drives me insane when I want to be one way, but I'm not feeling like that at all. So I'm ending my exhausting explanation by saying, feed the soul.
If you can't control it, let it control you. If it asks for more coffee because it craves it, than do it. If it gives your heart a squeeze because you need more love in your life, go get a dog or something. If it yearns for a little music, listen to what makes it happy. Oh, and learn to worship it, because when your soul has been fed to the brink, and it's content with all you've given it, you will finally feel happy. The soul is the most important part of you. Don't abuse it. Love it.

Sunday 15 July 2012

My platter of thoughts

Oh my, it's been a while. Can I just use an easy excuse that is seriously the most accurate? Well, it's Summer. The time is forgotten, the date doesn't matter, and the length of days depend on my mood. So here is my blog post...
P.S. I wrote this in the dark of my car while waiting for my brother to get off work. I was listening to Lil Wayne's album The Carter III and felt like a fish in a sea of sharks. Maybe that will help you interpret what I'm attempting to say. There's also going to be two entries since I wrote these on the same night, yet they differed.
Entry 1-
Humans have a lot of pressure. Daily we have to get up and look presentable. We have to seem happy and carefree every day. And with all of this, we have to make not only ourselves happy, but everyone else. What kind of world is that? That's absolutely ridiculous. But, we do it. Every damn day. Instead of only doing what we want in order to make ourselves happy, we change what type of person we truly are inside. Rather than laughing, we wear blank facades, and we do this with the goal of hiding our real emotions, dreams, disappointments, and desire. Yet, we have so many pressures. But all of these pressures are simply applied to ourselves. With these expectations that have developed from society, we live happy lives. But the incredibly ironic part is that society is not simply a thing. It's us! It's not the government, not corporations or propaganda. Okay, so maybe that's what conceives these ideas and convinces us to act the way we do, but who leads these things? We do. We, the people. WIth that said, what kind of people are we if we not only have developed this, but worship this idea?

Entry 2-
Brick after brick, we develop a building. A building that will soon house lives and be a part of making memories.
Day after day, we build a life. A life that will be filled with happy and cherished moments. Some moments may be rather regretful. During one of the last days of our life, we will only think of regrets. Whether it's about regrets of what we did, or what we didn't do. Either way, how many people are truly 100% happy with their lives? I've met no one. With this realization, how do we still do nothing with our days? Every day we do the same thing with our day, and we expect to fulfill dreams? If you're only working for one dream, than I guess it makes sense. But ladies and gentleman, I have way more than simply one dream. I have multiple. And I am absolutely determined to fulfill these. And for this reason, this is why I will not do the same thing every day. I will not simply walk through my days as if I had any to waste. Days are truly precious... How are you going to build a house when you're missing bricks?
You can't.