Monday 23 July 2012

Soul food right here

Why, hello there! Tonight, my mood soars like that of a butterfly! And how can I confirm this? Well, I just compared myself to a butterfly, and did not gag due to the tackiness. This, my friends, is a sign that I am not only happy with my life, but I am incredibly balanced.
Oh, I know what you're thinking... "You're seriously going to write about the importance of a balanced life again?!" Woah! Calm yourselves. Tonight, I'm actually going to write about... Drumroll please...
The soul!
Oh my, I could go on forever about what our soul is, but honestly, everyone has their own view of what exactly it is. Stephenie Meyer, who wrote The Host viewed it as a silver slime looking thing that was removed from the neck and could be transferred into different host bodies. Although I totally love that book, I disagree. I don't think of it as a phyical being. I compare the soul to the wind. It's obviously there because you can feel it, but it's not something that you can see or grasp. It's almost like a concept. But, my view also runs parallel to Stephenie Meyer's when her view of the soul is what happens after it is transferred to a different host body. That soul, or who that person truly is simply placed into a new body. They can then control that body, and do with it as it pleases. Almost like reincarnation. Except in her novel, it's not a natural process like reincarnation is known to be. It's humans and doctors phsically moving that physical entity into a host body.
Okay, I'm getting carried away. Before I tell you everything that happens in that book, I would love to get back on track. So basically what I was trying to get across is that the soul can not be identified. It can't be confirmed, grasped, or handled. Well, in my opinion. Because of this, it drives humans crazy because we can't control it! The soul is where our feelings and emotions originate from. But, we can't control those! And doesn't that drive you crazy?! I know it drives me insane when I want to be one way, but I'm not feeling like that at all. So I'm ending my exhausting explanation by saying, feed the soul.
If you can't control it, let it control you. If it asks for more coffee because it craves it, than do it. If it gives your heart a squeeze because you need more love in your life, go get a dog or something. If it yearns for a little music, listen to what makes it happy. Oh, and learn to worship it, because when your soul has been fed to the brink, and it's content with all you've given it, you will finally feel happy. The soul is the most important part of you. Don't abuse it. Love it.

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