Wednesday 2 May 2012

A list of daily annoyances

While attempting to choose a topic to write about besides happiness, perfection and music I sadly came up blank. That means we're in for a list! I know, I know, you probably hate reading my lists but I love making them. And they help me organize my jumbled up thoughts. So, here goes! (Hopefully you'll laugh a little bit)
A list about Gabby's daily annoyances:
Compiled by Gabby Marderosian

-Slow drivers... Must you keep us all behind our schedule by your lack of driving knowledge? GET OFF THE ROAD.
-Critics... I know that sometimes you critique in order to help improve someone or something, but I hate it. I like honest people, but when you point out a fact that is clearly unnecessary, you kill me a little bit inside. Sadly true.
-Loud mufflers on cars... Do you feel empowered when it sounds like your car is dropping a duce in the middle of the road? If you do, well then cheers to you but I will never understand.
-Jerks... Does it make you feel better when you put other people down? Note to jerk: I will bite right back.
-Smart people who act dumb... We all know that you meant to mispronounce a two syllable word in order to gain attention.
-People who just stare... What? Are you interested in the fact that I have two eyes? It really is a phenomenon...
-People who brag... No one cares more than you. SHUT UP.
-People who walk slow in school, grocery stores, anywhere really... Do I have to explain this one?
-Solicitors... I really love your persistence and enthusiasm, but can you explain to me how can I turn you down nicely?
-Pushy people... Don't try to push your opinions on me because I promise you that it won't affect mine.
-Crazy teachers... Really? You expect me to devote my entire weekend to a project that is only worth ten points? Is that what you did on your weekends in high school?
-Deer... Why do your beady eyes seem to be everywhere? Why are you attracted to the freeway at night? Are you suicidal?!
-Negative people... What's the point of endlessly complaining to me about something I can't even change?
-Spitters... EW!
-Burpers... EW!
-Tailgaters... You trying to kiss my ass bro?
-Eavesdroppers... Are your conversations so uninteresting that you have to listen in on mine?
-The radio... No comment.
-People who can't park... Expect a note on your windshield that says "Nice park job" because I always leave one.

Am I the only one who gets annoyed really easily? I hope not...
Goodnight everyone!
-Gabby Marderosian
Leave a comment with your annoyances! I'm sure I forgot a few.

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