Monday 16 April 2012

Should we search for answers?

As humans, we will seek answers. Why? I have no idea. Think about it. With any mystery we're given, we will do almost anything to solve it. In crime scenes, we usually will do it in order to seek justice from any given character. But really it just causes more pain, expectations and unwillingness. When the family of the victim finds out who caused the murder, usually the pain somehow gets worst. I'm not saying that seeking justice is bad, but when other emotions travel along with that, is it really worth it?
In math, we have imaginary numbers for equations that don't have a logical answer. If it's imaginary, can it really be called an answer? Actually I think it's kind of silly that we invited the imaginary number in the first place. If it doesn't have a logical answer, than can we even use this "imaginary" number? I'm not sure since I'm not a math genius, but why must we always seek an answer? Is there really an answer for absolutely everything in life? No, no, no, no and no!
Can we explain why we cause trouble because we want to? Maybe there's some reason that psychologists have come up with, but is that really true with every single individual? We all were raised differently, have different backgrounds, born in different places, have different views and values, so how can we all be given the same answer? It doesn't make sense. Why must we all seek answers? Usually, before we do something we expect to know the finished product, but why? Because we're usually selfish people who think about our well being rather than someone else's... Gosh, I sound like such a cynic.
Much love to Andrea who read over my messy rough draft in Spanish 3 and insisted I don't change a thing. I did it for you girl, because I definitely wanted to change just about everything!
Night everyone!
P.S. I'm still on the fence about this topic. I think we should unwrap the present, but keep the object intact. Does that make sense? Probably not...
Gabby Marderosian

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