Saturday 26 January 2013

An exciting opportunity!

So recently I discovered a website that totally changed my life. I know that everyone has heard of right? Well if you know me personally, you know that most of my life revolves around reading, and my Kindle. Well, it just so happens that I can independently publish my novels on Kindles using Kindle Direct Publishing. Wow, what a small discovery that changed my life. And you know how I found this wonderful, life changing link? I was looking for the "contact me" link on How I managed to avoid this discovery the entire time I've had my Kindle, I've no idea!
Well, my blog is named Just A Girl With Dreams. If you've read my first blog post, you're aware that my biggest dream is to become an author. I've been dreaming this silly little dream since fourth grade, and baby I'm about to make it happen. Whether it's being self published for free using KDP, and most likely making no money, I am absolutely okay with that. I obviously have the opportunity to make profit off of my novels, and I plan on doing that one day. But I've been writing a story that will soon turn into a novel, and I am so excited to share it! Although I'm dreaming big, I'm hoping it will be finished by June, and if it's finished, then it's on Kindles everywhere! People in Japan, Egypt, Romania, and Greece will be able to read my books! Just the thought makes me lightheaded with excitement and disbelief.
Of course with all of this, my doubt is beginning to resurface, so that's how I know that I really need to keep writing on my blog. My blog has a totally different style than fiction, which you know. I'm just hoping the little bit of reality this blog provides me will keep me sane, and on track. I know this most definitely is not my usual blog post, but I figured I'd share my exciting news with everyone.
Oh, and thank you so much to you guys for reading my blog posts. You guys inspire me to keep writing, and keep trying to get heard. Hopefully this opportunity is that "open door" that everyone speaks of. Wish me luck everyone
P.S. I'll keep you guys updated!
P.P.S. I need a fake name because people trying to pronounce my real name will be a joke.
I can only imagine
Girl: "Hey! Have you read Gabriella Marderosian's new book?"
Girl 2: "Who the hell? Say that again? Wait, now spell that"
Girl: "Crap, I don't know how to spell it."
Me in my head: "I'm screwed."

Have a lovely, inspirational, and full of opportunity night everyone.
-Gabriella Marderosian

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