Thursday 3 January 2013

Stop accepting, and start demanding

Before I start, let me just say it's been months since I've blogged. So, excuse me if I'm slightly rusty. And I'd ilke to add that I am disappointed in myself since it seems that I have forgotten about my blog. But I never really forgot about it, just felt like I didn't have anything to say.
Today at an ungodly hour, I had a thought. I had a thought about human beings (of course). Why we think the way we do, how unique we all are, why we can't seem to understand ourselves, things like that... And I couldn't stop thinking about it. All of it. Just why we are the way we are, and why we accept it. It's actually kind of funny the way people accept things. But the things we accept are generally things we can't control like death, break ups, things like that. And you know what kills me? When people say "I just have to accept that this is how my life turned out." Lies. Lies. Lies, and more lies. Oh my gosh I can not even describe to you how much this irks me. Who gave us that idea? Who planted this ridiculous notion in our minds that tells us we're hopeless? We're powerful! We don't have to accept this. We're so damn powerful we don't know what to do with it sometimes.
So, don't accept it. Spit in "life's" face and tell it to come back another day. Take control of your life, and don't accept it if it hasn't turned out the way you want it to. And I just want to point out that I didn't say the way you planned. Life isn't going to go the way you planned it to, and that's because there are too many people on this earth, and everyone's life intertwines. You can plan on curing cancer, but someone else might do it first. Anyway, if your life is something that disappoints you, and seems unworthy. You are the one doing things wrong. It's not like someone is in the skies with a plan for all of us. I understand that not everyone agrees with that, but something you should know about me is that I am not religious. Enough about that, let's get back to what I was saying.
Don't accept it. Don't put blame on someone else. Don't look back and regret. Don't pity. Don't sigh and dream. Just get behind the damn wheel and drive. GO! Stop waiting. Stop accepting. Start demanding. Because with all the thing that get handed to us without our permission, we deserve to demand. But let me remind you of attitude. Look at what is handed to us as another stepping stone to our ultimate ending. In a good way. The ending of our lives should be something we work to, because when we leave we should feel proud. If you don't, you did something wrong. But before you're at that point, take control and demand a damn great life. Because we deserve it. If you work for it, that is.
Have a great night everyone, and don't stay up awake at night thinking about the human race. Go to sleep, and wake up into a new day.
Unlike me of course. I'll ponder because that is all I ever seem to do.

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