Saturday, 31 March 2012

Striving or Denying?

Imagine standing in a room surrounded by mirrors. No walls showing, just mirrors. What do you see? Probably yourself in multiple perspectives. You see the back of your shoes, the top of your nose, your elbows, your smile... You are surrounded by yourself. Sometimes we want to see one thing about ourselves, but not the other. Maybe I like to see my eyes but not my backside. Maybe I like to see my shoulder blades but not my toes. Naturally our eyes are going to stray towards the things we like. We see what we want to see.
Now with this evidence, let's apply this to our lives. In everyday life, we see multiple things. We witness our friends and family make the wrong decision. We live through our own decisions that were most likely affected by someone else's judgements. But are we going to admit that little detail? Probably not. Folks, it's important to remember that we see what we want to see. We do what we want to do. We live the life we want to live.
Think about what every single child wants while their growing up. I'm sure every child lived their own life in their own environment, but aren't we all striving for one thing? Some would say candy. Some would say to grow up. Some would say a lifetime supply of toys. Everyone wants something different, but don't all of our wishes overlap when people wish for something better? Isn't every wish just categorized under this broad want? Something better? Depending on who you asked, their answer would of what's better would most likely be different.
Let's just act as if this was an interview and ask the mind boggling question "What would you want, if you were simply striving for something better?"
Ask a child and they would most likely reply with something along the lines of "Better toys..."
Ask an older person and they would probably say "To live my life over again... or, more time..."
Ask a dying patient and they would say "To live"
Ask a homeless person and they would say "A home"
Now this all sounds pretty reasonable right? Well what happens when these wishes start to compromise someone else's wishes? What happens when someone's fortunes take away from someone else's? What happens when everything in life results in more demand than their is supply? I sure don't have an answer to that...
Right now the questions that arises is "Where did the balance go?" Our entire lives we learned that there will always be another side to the scale. With a 1, there will be -1. With a right winged government, there will be a left winged government. With good grammar, there will be bad grammar. With the rich, there will be the poor. With life, there will be death. It seems so simple... But is it really?
No. Not at all.
If we wanted an example, we can look at ourselves as individual human beings. I'll use myself as an example. Growing up I always wanted to live in a house. Now that I live in a house, I miss living in apartments with the tight knit relationships. Now that I'm 16, I only want to be older. When I was younger, all I wanted was to be 16! These may seem like insignificant details about my life, but really they all come into play. Is it acceptable to say that we always want something more? I think it is.
Now don't get me wrong. I never said that was a bad thing, but I never said it was a good thing either. We live our lives full of contradictions every single day, so let's analyze this one. Although it's very fulfilling if you strive for a happier life, is it good to strive only for more money? In my opinion, definitely not. I know some people's definition of a happier life has something to do with money, but mine sure doesn't. I am happy living my life as a middle class citizen. Although I do love going shopping and buying things, I love the feeling of working for that money... Even if it's getting my hands greasy at McDonald's. Before I had a job, I loved being able to do simple things that brought me joy. A simple walk to the local grocery store was fulfilling enough for me, but now that I have the availability of money, education and transportation, all of that changes. Although I still love the simple things in life, I do love striving for something bigger. I want to know that I am actually doing something with the things I've learned. In my life, I learned to do what makes me happy. If that means being an elementary teacher who gets talked down to and gets paid far less than deserved but still has the happiness of spreading joy, that I'd take it in a heartbeat. Once again, is it acceptable to say that some people highly disagree with me? For some people being rich is much more fulfilling. Although I highly disagree with that, it's most likely because I didn't grow up in a very rich environment. I grew up with a comfortable salary that kept me right in the middle of the scale. I was balancing between rich and poor, and it felt great.
Of course people's opinions are different, but here are my lost words. Is wanting something better truly fulfilling, or not? It's as simple as that. Apply that question to your own life before you go to bed, and if you can't answer it than that should be the loudest answer of all. Goodnight all!
P.S. Sorry about the confusing posts. My thoughts were all over the place tonight!

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Dear 28 year old me,

After being so inspired by Kate's blog, I decided to write a letter to my 28 year old self. I'm warning you now that I have so many questions to ask myself, so don't hesitate to click the exit key. I won't mind. This blog post is more about myself anyway. But, I encourage you to write one of your own. It helped me remember what was important to me.
Here goes!

Dear 28 year old me,
Are you living in Chicago, or did you choose New York? Did you end up going to Portland State University for your bachelors in English and than moved on to New York University to receive your masters in Publishing?
Are you totally indecisive like you were when you were 16?
Do you still have great difficulty refusing dessert? Are you still addicted to sugar like you have been all your life?
Do you still get teased for being short, or have you actually grown?
Are you happy? Do you consider yourself successful? If not, make a change.
Did you buy a Mustang yet, or are you car-less since you're living in some big city? Are you okay with that?
Are you having regrets moving away from Portland like you always assumed you would? Have you gone back to visit Portland yet? You better have, or else do it now. Book a flight!
Have you traveled to Greece yet?
Do you have a tattoo of the Gemini sign yet? I'm assuming so...
Do you still have your nose piercing in? I never did think you would ever get used to it...
Are you still in love with the sun? Why did I even ask that, because I know that will never change.
Are you still sensitive?
How's the WPW syndrome? I hope it hasn't bothered you too much...
What's society like? Have you learned to live your life without societal pressures?
Do you still read whenever you have free time?
Have you gotten over the excitement of freedom and indepedence, or have you totally forgotten to appreciate it?
Do you still have Max? He'd be 12... If not, was it hard losing him and Chester?
Have you gotten new dogs to replace them? That's so sad to think about.
Do you still have L.A, your turtle? Are you still mistreating her? I know I'm still having issues keeping up with feeding her even after 5 years of having her...
How's Dad? Has he gotten help yet?
How's Mom? I bet she's working in some big hospital. Tell her I love her!
How's Phil? Still crackin' jokes that no one understands?
How's Grandma? I really hope she's still healthy and in our lives.
How's Grandma Vickie and Grandpa? Have you gone to Romania yet to visit them?
How's Tony? Is he still reppin' Rip City proudy?
How's Elly? Did you guys end up roomin' together in Chicago?
How's Carmen? Has she re-married yet?
How's Vali and the family in Romania? If you don't know, than you should really find out.
Do you still close your eyes when you listen to a really good song? Is your laugh still a cackle? If not, I'd be thoroughly shocked.
Do you still blog?
Have you gotten a book published yet?
Have you even finished a novel? If so, I'm proud.
Have you fallen in love yet? If not, open your heart and soul. I know how much we always struggled with that.
Have you discovered the meaning of life? Hahaha, that's a pointless question to ask... I know we never will.
Do you have regrets? If you do, let go of them. Just remember that the past is the past.
Are you still in contact with Maddie, Yarden, Karen, Alyssa, Britney, Tiffany and Gracey?
Are you married? That's such an odd scenario to imagine.
Are you suddenly a cat lover?
Do you still sleep crooked?
Do you still have that A to ZEN of life poster that you used to stare at multiple times a day when you were 16?
Have you thought about moving to California again? I always did dream of California...
Have you done anything really big with your life?
Have you saved a life?
Have you gone ziplining through a forest like you've always wanted to?
Have you learned to cook yet? Please tell me you're not living off of Mac 'n' Cheese and Eggo waffles!
Please tell me you've gone to visit Nana, Lori and Lindell in California.
Do you still have your pearl ring that Grandma gave me? Do you still wear it every single day? How about the ring from Dad? And the pearl necklace from Mom... If you lost any of them than I'm so disappointed. Those always meant so much to me.
Have you gotten over your silly fear of eye drops? I doubt it...
Do you still pick off your nailpolish and pick at your lips when you're stressed or nervous? I seriously hope not...
Is your right ankle still sensitive and rolled easily?
Are you still really clumsy?
Have you made memories and stuffed them all in a scrapbook like I always attempted to do but would never finish?
Do you still question everything?
Are you still obsessed with making lists?
You're still stubborn, aren't you?
Has your view on religion changed?
Please tell me you're happy. If not, then do something to help both of us.
I bet you that you have questions for your 40 year old self. My mind spins if I even try to imagine myself ever reaching that age. If you're really curious and bored than you should write a letter.
And once again, open your heart and soul to change girl. And I'm sorry if something I've done now affected us negatively and has impacted your lifestyle. Let's just try to make the most of it.
Love, 16 year old me. <3

Sorry about the long blog post. You're probably not as enthralled as you thought you would be. Maybe next time. Have a good Spring Break everybody!

Sunday, 11 March 2012

We create our own masterpieces

Okay, I'm just going to begin by saying this may sound absolutely and totally bizarre, but this is my theory. It's closely related to religion, but not really. Does that make sense? Probably not. Hopefully it will by the end of this blog post.
Now, I want you to open up a new tab and go to Now, I want you to play your favorite video. It can be your favorite song (I'm currently playing Dreamland by Andy Allo and Blu), it can be your favorite funny video, it can be your favorite inspirational video, it can be your favorite blogger, it can be anything. Now, after you've watched it, I want you to think about why it's your favorite video. Don't try to simply say because it's funny, or because the song has a good beat... Try to dig deeper (I know you've all practiced this in English). Well, the reason I chose to listen to Dreamland, was because I can relate to it. Although the songwriter/singer might have had a different thought or purpose when she wrote it, whenever I listen to it, I begin to think about how much of a dreamer I am. I'm sure you all know this if you're a regular reader or know we well, but it just allows me to smile, sing along, and realize how content it makes me. So now that you've thought about why you love that certain video, let's move on to the reason I made you do this...
My theory in the simplest words relates to how our life turns out. Personally I'm not religious, but I still think about how I ended up with this life. Basically, I think that we're all given a scenario and a box of tools, and we choose how to build our life. Sometimes people don't realize that we construct our own life. That box of tools that we're given is our traits that we've developed in order to deal with certain situations that happen to us. Some people naturally have more will power or optimism or other traits than other people. Now, the key thing to remember is naturally.
Now, the reason I'm emphasizing the word naturally is because anyone can develop these traits. I know that I've always been stubborn yet sensitive. Some people aren't like that at all. And let me just say I hate being as sensitive as I am, but I have begun to look at it in a new light. Since I am so sensitive, I get hurt really often, but I also am able to be really passionate about other things. Notice how I changed what I thought was a negative trait into a positive one. This is something everyone should learn to do!
Okay, I got off topic from my theory... Basically what I'm trying to say is that we are given a box full of paint brushes and paint, and we decide how to paint our own picture. In my case, I think I was given a notepad of paper and a pen, and now I'm writing my own story. We choose how to live our life. Now the question that arises is, "what about destiny or fate"? Well I'm not sure. I do believe in fate and destiny, but I haven't figured out a way to tie this into my theory. The closest I've gotten to relating it to my theory is that; we choose to live by that destiny, or to not live by it. Some people may naturally be born into less fortunate families, and sometimes that sets those people back but that doesn't mean that they can't do something in order to be more fortunate. Although they usually have to work harder to go to college, or to relocate, it doesn't mean it's impossible.
So, once again, we paint our own picture. Or we write our own story. Or we compose our own song. Or we direct our own movie. It depends on the person, and what they want or wish to do.

If you weren't sure what videos to watch or listen to, here's a few of my favorites;
Favorite songs:
Mario "Crying Our For Me",
Andy Allo and Blue "Dreamland"
Tech N9ne "Overtime"
Atmosphere "Sunshine"
J. Cole "Lights Please"
Alicia Keys "A Woman's Worth"
Favorite funny videos:
Jenna Marbles
Kevin Hart
Kevin Hart
Favorite inspirational:
"The Girl Who Silenced The World for 5 Minutes"
"Pretty" (Poetry slam)

Monday, 5 March 2012

Does society power us, or do we power it?

As a society, we've got it totally wrong. Why am I starting my post with this? Because I have a lot to say that's built up over the years. As I've grown up, I've begun to realize the realities of our lives. Every single individuals life may different, but aren't we all living on the same earth, sometimes in the same city? In school, I've learned that there are huge differences between lesser economically developed countries and more economically developed countries, so I'm just going to speak for the United States, since that's where I've grown up my entire life. Remember, this is an opinionated post. Go ahead, comment on it and let me know your own opinion but please do not just bash on mine. Let's keep it sophisticated. Anyway, I wanna start with the media.
The power media has on us blows my mind. Just by hearing a song, or watching a TV show or even reading a newspaper we can morphe our own beliefs to fit the mold society has built. How this mold was built, I have no idea. These shows on television are so ridiculously fake I can't even allow myself to watch them because I feel literally brain dead for a few hours. No offence Snooki, but I really don't want to watch you and your 30 year old friends live the life of a teenager... To me, it's sad because it seems like we're moving backwards! Instead of growing up and maturing quicker, we're learning that it's okay to get drunk every single night and than wake up thirteen hours later ready to do it again. While our schools are attempting to help us become independent, media seems to throw that idea right out of the window. Don't get me wrong, I love a good movie once in a while but sometimes I just have to shake my head at the lengths society or our government will go to in order for us to change our own opinions.
Another thing I find ridiculous about our society is our lack of strength. I don't mean physically, but spiritually. I'm actually not sure if spiritually is the right word since I'm not referring to faith, but let's just roll with it for a second. Let's do a little exercise. Think back to the last time someone said anything negative. It could have been a sentance as simple as "I hate butter on my toast," to "I hate my life and I'm so tired of everyone." Now think about how many times you hear something like this on a daily basis... I'm pretty sure the number would be in the double or triple digits based on the kind of people you surround yourself with. Now, think of how many times you say it. You can be the most positive person around, but don't kid yourself... You do it too. Now, there's not a whole lot wrong with a little complaint once in a while but what I'm talking about is the things some people say. As human beings, we have the ability to morph our own attitude to fit the kind of life we want to live. Some people don't understand this concept. It's so easy to get carried away by complaining and not acting on those complaints because we think it makes us feel better. This negativity is just like alcohol. Although I can't speak for an addict, from what I've seen, they use the drug in order to feel better in any sort of way. Complaining, acting negative, moping, being mean, it's all a sort of drug. We do it to make ourselves feel better. How something like this can make someone feel better still shocks me, but it happens... temporarily. When all those negative thoughts begin to build up, it starts to have a toll on us mentally, emotionally and physically. So with everything I've just said, I think it's safe to say we are a weak society. But instead of moping around about how we act, let's try to change ourselves. It may seem like the solution is trying to fix society, but aren't we the base of society? It may seem that corporations and government rule these things, but it all starts with the people. So, change your own ways and than spread the word. Maybe if we all change one little aspect of our life, it can change a huge part of our future generations society.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Oh, hi there.

My oh my it's been a while. I owe you (whoever reads my blog) an apology. I'm not gonna lie... I got caught up and totally forgot about my blog. Occasionally I'd think "Hmm, I should write about that" whenever I thought of something insightful or thought provoking (I sound like my English teacher), but I never got the chance to. But there's an up side to this whole forgetting fiasco... I have SO much I need to express!
First and foremost, I want to say Happy New Year! In my "About Me" section, it mentions that I am a Gemini... Well that's really important to me and is a big part of my life. Gemini's are mostly known for being "double-sided" since we're The Twins. Well, that's totally and 100 per cent true. So far, this year has had it's major up's and it's major down's. As of right now, I don't know where this year is going to take me, so I'm going to just let my hair down and let the wind speak to me.