Monday 5 March 2012

Does society power us, or do we power it?

As a society, we've got it totally wrong. Why am I starting my post with this? Because I have a lot to say that's built up over the years. As I've grown up, I've begun to realize the realities of our lives. Every single individuals life may different, but aren't we all living on the same earth, sometimes in the same city? In school, I've learned that there are huge differences between lesser economically developed countries and more economically developed countries, so I'm just going to speak for the United States, since that's where I've grown up my entire life. Remember, this is an opinionated post. Go ahead, comment on it and let me know your own opinion but please do not just bash on mine. Let's keep it sophisticated. Anyway, I wanna start with the media.
The power media has on us blows my mind. Just by hearing a song, or watching a TV show or even reading a newspaper we can morphe our own beliefs to fit the mold society has built. How this mold was built, I have no idea. These shows on television are so ridiculously fake I can't even allow myself to watch them because I feel literally brain dead for a few hours. No offence Snooki, but I really don't want to watch you and your 30 year old friends live the life of a teenager... To me, it's sad because it seems like we're moving backwards! Instead of growing up and maturing quicker, we're learning that it's okay to get drunk every single night and than wake up thirteen hours later ready to do it again. While our schools are attempting to help us become independent, media seems to throw that idea right out of the window. Don't get me wrong, I love a good movie once in a while but sometimes I just have to shake my head at the lengths society or our government will go to in order for us to change our own opinions.
Another thing I find ridiculous about our society is our lack of strength. I don't mean physically, but spiritually. I'm actually not sure if spiritually is the right word since I'm not referring to faith, but let's just roll with it for a second. Let's do a little exercise. Think back to the last time someone said anything negative. It could have been a sentance as simple as "I hate butter on my toast," to "I hate my life and I'm so tired of everyone." Now think about how many times you hear something like this on a daily basis... I'm pretty sure the number would be in the double or triple digits based on the kind of people you surround yourself with. Now, think of how many times you say it. You can be the most positive person around, but don't kid yourself... You do it too. Now, there's not a whole lot wrong with a little complaint once in a while but what I'm talking about is the things some people say. As human beings, we have the ability to morph our own attitude to fit the kind of life we want to live. Some people don't understand this concept. It's so easy to get carried away by complaining and not acting on those complaints because we think it makes us feel better. This negativity is just like alcohol. Although I can't speak for an addict, from what I've seen, they use the drug in order to feel better in any sort of way. Complaining, acting negative, moping, being mean, it's all a sort of drug. We do it to make ourselves feel better. How something like this can make someone feel better still shocks me, but it happens... temporarily. When all those negative thoughts begin to build up, it starts to have a toll on us mentally, emotionally and physically. So with everything I've just said, I think it's safe to say we are a weak society. But instead of moping around about how we act, let's try to change ourselves. It may seem like the solution is trying to fix society, but aren't we the base of society? It may seem that corporations and government rule these things, but it all starts with the people. So, change your own ways and than spread the word. Maybe if we all change one little aspect of our life, it can change a huge part of our future generations society.

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