Monday 12 December 2011

Just a list about life

So I was trying to think of something really inspiring to write about, but I came up blank. I mean, I always have something to say so why today, can't I come up with anything to really ponder about? I still can't answer that, but I think it may be because I am absolutely EXHAUSTED, so I'm just going to make a list, because I like lists. :)

What I love most about life-
-Laughing. Laughing is by far, the best thing in this world. It is contagious, it makes everyone happy, and it's the most happy anyone can get.
-Driving. For me, driving is therapeutic. It makes me feel like I can do anything which may explain why I tend to be so much more of a... risk taker...
-Dreaming. Waking up from a dream and laying in bed and pondering is unlike anything else. But, the thing I love most about dreams is that we are really ourselves. We can't hide from our subconscious, and that's what is really amazing.
-Being in Downtown Portland. No matter if it's raining, sunny, or icy, it's all still satisfactory. It's lively, unique and truly like no other city.
-Learning something new. When I learn something new (even if it's an algebra equation) I feel empowered. Having the ability to do something new makes me feel like my life is truly worthy.

Now, you're probably wondering why I haven't included something like "my family". I'm getting there. Trust me! (This may be a long list, so if you're bored you might as well stop now!)

-Going to the beach. I feel like this is on everyone's list. For some reason, it's like traveling to another world. If you're by yourself or with a group of family or friends, it always feel like time flies by with no responsibilities. I love feeling careless for a while.
-Traveling. Although I haven't traveled to many places, it still feels like it's a huge part of my life. I've shaped my whole future around traveling and experiencing whole new cultures and societies. It's an interesting thing to think about how different life can be in other countries.
-Playing with dogs. Dogs are the most loving creatures on this earth. Simple as that.
-Cooking/baking with my family. Although it doesn't happen often, whenever I think about what I love most about my family a scene of me and my cousin Elly chopping vegetables and frosting cakes comes up.
-Shopping with my mom. It's a truly bonding experience. Her and I have the same style, so when we bond over heels, bags, and cute shirts it feels like we're closer than ever.
-Reading. This should have been first on the list. Reading is my thing. On my first birthday, as a Romanian tradition, we have various objects set out in front of us such as a hair brush, money, car keys, a book, jewelry, etc. to determine what kind of things we'll love most. Well, I happened to actually grab the car keys and the book, and I would not let go. Oddly enough, I haven't changed one bit since my first birthday, and I saw the video of me doing this just few months back.
-Holidays. Everyone's together. What can get any better than that?
-Eating. What can I say? I love food!
-Writing lists. Not sure why, but it makes me feel organized.

Well that concludes that list after a half an hour of writing it. But, this list isn't over. Things are added almost every day. I hope I've inspired you all to write your own lists and really appreciate the good things in life!

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