Friday 2 December 2011

My Introduction

Dear reader,
My posts are my opinions based on things I've experienced throughout my life. Those opinions may not be similar to yours, but just remember, you came to read my blog. I respect your opinions, please respect mine. Now that that's said, I'd like to really introduce myself.
My name is Gabby, and I'm only 16. My life has just begun, although sometimes it feels like it drags on for too long, and that's where this comes in. I've created this blog to remind myself that I go through tough times, and I get through them, and I hope that helps you. Like I said before, I'm only 16. When I was 12, all I wanted was to be 16 but now, all I want to be is 18 and heading to college. Throughout my life, I will continously look forward to my future.
I'm going to admit something. I'm not the kind of person who "lives for today" even though I do think that every person should dream big dreams, and go for them. I am that girl that plans everything. When I was 9, I knew what I wanted to be when I was older. When I was an innocent and naive seventh grader, I knew that I wasn't fit for this teenage stuff and I still think that. I've never been the girl to go to high school events because I would much rather be with friends in downtown Portland, or at dinner. Maybe that relates to my lack of interest with most sports (besides NBA basketball) but I'm pretty sure it's because I feel I never relate with most high schoolers.
My best friends are the same way. Ready for the future, and dreaming of it. So reader, if you're even out there, I'm going to lay it all out for you. Here is a simple list that really doesn't say enough;

My Dreams:
-To be happy. I know, everyone says that, but I mean genuinely happy. The kind of happy that only comes from things that I really love to do. The kind of happy that sometimes hurts.
-To become an editor at a publishing firm. This is that one dream that determines my life. It's my career. If you asked me what I wanted to become a few years back, I would have said an author. But I love reading too much. I'd rather read other people's writing and help them with my own writing skills. Since I've made this decision, I've been more focused, and my future is suddenly clear.
-To own my own book store when I retire. As I'm writing this, I'm laughing because I haven't really thought about this. I just woke up one morning imagining myself living at the Oregon Coast and drinking a cup of tea in my own book store, and it felt great.
-To move to a different country. I love traveling. It really is unlike anything else. I've always dreamed of moving to Greece and living a very simplistic life. We'll see how that one goes.
-To fall in love. I've seen everyone around me fall in love, but I seem to be the one that has issues trusting someone to that extent.

Those are my main dreams. The ones I think about every single day. I do have many more, but it seems like they're going to stay in my dreams for a while. And reader, I'm sorry about the long post. I promise none of my upcoming blog posts will be so long. Sometimes people just need to get their story out there first before anything else, and that's exactly what I did.


  1. Way to go Gabby!!! It is amazing. Love ya much.

  2. Hi, I love you <3
    Oh, and I can totally see you in GREECE drinkin a cup of tea in your own FREAKIN BOOK STORE! haha :) I hope all your dreams come true cuz you deserve every single one of them!

    -I have to post as anonymous but thats only cuz i dont have an account haha But yea this is Karen
